A Gratitude Letter to Men

I don’t believe in the sensitive man,
I know him.

Women have you had a man show up for you? How about a dozen?

When a man does show up for you, do you see him as an outlier? As an exception from the rest?

Or do you see him as a beautiful example of the other side, the divine, living proof of its breath and essence.

Have you even use “divine” and “masculine” in the same sentence before? Or is toxic masculinity the only phrase you have familiarized yourself with?

In an era of an incredibly beautiful blossoming of the Devine Feminine and general out right demand for women to step up into their inner Goddess and power, we seem to think we have to shove men out of the way to get there. It’s as if we believe that in order to get in touch with our inner feminine, we must exile the masculine. As we reject the masculine inside of us, we reject the one outside of us too.

Why is it that the most common phrases I hear today are “Divine Feminine” and “Toxic Masculinity”?
Do we talk about Toxic Femininity?
Do we talk about the shadow of the feminine?

What about the Divine Masculine?
Do you know it?
Do you love it?
Are you even open to it existing?
Are you willing to allow yourself to be received by it?
To surrender to it?
To be met by it?

I don’t “believe” in the sensitive man,
I know him.
I make love with him.
I celebrate him.
I welcome him.
I walk beside him.
I bow to him.
I am learning to let myself be held by him.

He is all around me,
waiting to be received by woman.

He is not a fairytale to “believe” in,
but an immaculate gift waiting to be received.

To each and every one of you who have continually shown up for me, in my most vulnerable and desperate of times, words cannot express my gratitude. I see you. I love you. I bow to you.


Honor the Struggle


Today, I am free