Honor the Struggle

What’s been yours?

Are you still in it?

Mine was getting sober from opiate and alcohol addiction at 19 years old.

Then it was getting out of a number of toxic relationships with men that quickly became my next over-indulgence.

I thought getting sober would fix all of my problems, turns out I was still me

...and I no longer had my addiction to blame for all my problems anymore, so I started blaming men.

Whoops, wrong again

After a life altering break up in 2017, I decided I couldn’t keep going the way I was going anymore, I was on the brink of taking my own life nearly every day.

Shortly after being hospitalized I decided to gtfo of life and make a HUGE change, I was so sick of my self and my shit.

I moved to the wilderness in Alaska to be completely alone and start looking at my shit for the first time ever.

Choosing me, saved, and changed my life.

That choice was the beginning of this story, it was the first step for me to come into my power, it was the first time I stopped running from my struggle and started BEING with it, HONORING it, and fucking THANKING it.

What’s your struggle?

Are you still in it?

I want to know.

You DON’T have to do it alone.

Drop your struggle below


The End Times


A Gratitude Letter to Men