Your Sovereignty

*Read this out loud, as if you are saying this to your partner, the “one”, or your “person”. ;)

Dear beloved, 

I am scared of you. 

I am scared of your bigness,

I am terrified of your desire,

Your sovereignty, 

Your power,

Your conscious creator,

Your ability to create what you want in any given moment,

And the fear that that might not be me.

What I fear most, is your freedom,

To leave me,

In any given moment,

That you choose. 


I will do my best, 

To keep you small,


Thought filled,

Manipulate you into thinking you are disappointing me, disappointing everyone.

That you are bad, 







I will assure that you are distracted, 

By me, 

By overprocessing,

By social media and overstimulation,

By the chaos of emotion, 

By my own bigness,

To assure that you will never see your own,

If I’m always stealing the spotlight.

I will try to keep you from seeing, 

that you are life itself, 

that there is no spotlight for me to steal,

when you yourself are the light,

the dark, 

and the space around it 

and between it.

Every particular in the air

Every shimmer 

Every shadow

Every breath

Every death

That is dying

Into you

To be born. 

I must keep this a secret

Your divinity

Your sovereignty

For if you only knew, 

There would no longer be me.

Now, read it from the top, but instead, as if it is a letter to yourself, from the pov of the parts of you that keep you small, hiding, and out of your power, your anxiety, your depression, your “mental illnesses” that you believe are “you”, writing a letter to your cosmic spiritual nature and purpose. 


My Promise to You


6 years