Women's Healing Session


• 90 Minute 1:1 Healing Session •

(*For Women Only)

A session for women who are looking to reconnect to their bodies, heal from sexual trauma/assault, and rewire their brains and nervous systems for pleasure!

Are you a woman who has a hard time opening up in sex? Is it easy for you to close off when someone touches you in an un-attuned way or does something wrong? Do you ever experience numbness during intimacy or just a general lack of pleasure and sensation? Do you experience having memories, flashbacks, or symptoms of PTSD when engaging in intimacy with a partner? Would you like to have more access to sensation, presence, and pleasure in your sex life and beyond?

Then this healing session is for you!

You will be able to explore the many facets of sexuality, presence, pleasure, emotional expression, and healing, through meditation, breathwork and bodywork in this 1:1 healing session.

*Please be sure to read over our cancellation policy below before booking.

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CANCELLATION POLICY: Due to the scope of our work, we require all clients to pay in FULL at the time of booking. This is non-refundable. Once you book with us and pay, you are in! This means in order to schedule your session and lock in a dedicated spot in our calendar, we require a full *non-refundable* payment at the time of scheduling. However, we understand that things happen, and clients may have emergencies or urgent needs come up. Life happens! Because of this, we allow all clients to reschedule their session, free of charge, up until 7 days prior to their appointment. If you would like to reschedule within 7 days of your session, there will be a $500 rescheduling fee. Should you decide to cancel your session completely, you will not be refunded any portion of your initial payment.

*Non-refundable: My work is very deep, it requires a lot of energetic input and preparation on both my, and the client’s behalf. I typically schedule many weeks, if not months out. When you book a spot in the calendar it is yours! This means once you book, other clients will not be able to book at that time, should you cancel last minute, or even a week or two out, it is unlikely our other clients would be able to fill that spot with such short notice. Your investment is a reflection of your commitment and willingness to do this work, and commit fully to yourself, your growth, and your path. Thank you for your understanding.